I'm currently in the middle of planning my wedding - and boy I never realised quite how much work it was! And it's so easy to get caught up in the little details that you forget what the important things are.
My fiance and I have gone on and off the idea of making our own invitations over the last few months; I love making cards (I love any craft in fact!) so liked the idea of doing it, but thought the work involved might be a bit too much. Though seeing how much we were likely to spend getting all our wedding stationary done professionally did make it seem a more attractive prospect!
Today we decided to have a go at producing some prototypes. We went out to a craft shop and bought a selection of card, a heart shaped cutter and some ribbon and set to work. After playing around with a few ideas, lots of double sided sticky tape and giggles and a lot of fun, we produced four lovely designs we couldn't separate...
Having seen the fun involved we're now going to round up our friends and have a weekend invitation making :) A lot more fun than going to a shop to order invites and a chance to get all our friends involved in our wedding, something we would love to do.
And as for the four designs, we couldn't decide between them so we're not going to, we're going to use them all :)
From the photos they look lovely!