However, recently I stumbled across Creative Open Workshops which are evening craft courses run at the Custard Factory in Birmingham and I've been learning to crochet. The beauty is they're all quick projects than can be completed in one or two evenings, perfect for me!
Doing the courses (I now have a room full of crocheted hats because they're so fun to make!) has got me investigating other quick crochet and knitting projects, and last night I found the quickest of all... In less than an hour I made a mini scarf!
It was so simple to do, and knitting on 12 mm needles meant it grew incredibly fast. I finished it off with a wooden toggle button I found in one of my craft boxes, and I love it! The wool is awesome too, it's made from Rowan Big Wool Tuft which has fluffy bits of wool sticking out all over. Unfortunately I think this wool is discontinued now but I found some on ebay.
Making them is so addictive and so quick though that I got most of the way through a second on the train this morning.... Not sure what I'm going to do with all the spares I can see I'm going to make!
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